BRUKL / SBEM Modelling
Understanding BRUKL Reports for Commercial Buildings
All new commercial buildings over 50m2 require a Building Regulations UK Part L (BRUKL) compliance report to prove they have been designed and built in accordance to current legislation.
The same data and analysis that produces EPCs is used in this process so we are well placed to be able to produce BRUKL reports for Architects and developers at the design stage to check that the building materials and systems proposed will pass. Upon construction buildings are again inspected to ensure that they have met the standards outlined in their design.
The Role of SBEM Calculations in BRUKL Compliance
​The BRUKL report is a derivative of thorough SBEM (Simplified Building Energy Model) calculations, carried out by a qualified assessor. This assessor inputs key parameters into specialized software to gauge the energy efficiency of the proposed or newly constructed non-domestic building, ultimately generating a BRUKL report​​. This report serves to confirm whether the proposed building has aligned with the energy efficiency mandates defined in Approved Document L: The Conservation of Fuel and Power​.
Design Stage & Post-construction with BRUKL Modelling
The journey towards compliance is two-fold; initially, it commences at the design stage, wherein the BRUKL report is instrumental in validating the proposed materials and systems and is typically key in building regs 'sign-off'. Subsequently, post-construction, the building undergoes another round of scrutiny to ascertain if the constructed entity mirrors the standards outlined in the design phase​, in short 'was it built as it was proposed'?
A noteworthy aspect of BRUKL reports is their capability to depict a clear picture of a building's Building Emissions Rate (BER), which is a critical factor for Building Control offices in determining the acceptability of the building in question. A pass or fail status in the BRUKL report regarding BER is a significant indicator of whether the building adheres to the conservation of fuel and power regulations​​.
How EPCs Relate to BRUKL Reporting
The synergy between EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates) and BRUKL reports is undeniable, as both employ a similar data and analysis paradigm. This symbiotic relationship facilitates a smoother transition for architects and developers in navigating the compliance landscape, especially with a reliable partner like Haptic EPC, who can provide invaluable insights and recommendations at every compliance juncture.
Achieving a Pass: Understanding Building Emissions Rates (BER)
The SBEM calculations produce a BRUKL Report, this shows the energy efficiency
rating for the building and its BER (Building's Emission Rate) the project will pass Building Regulations Part L2 when a Building Emission Rate (BER) is lower than the Target Emission Rate (TER).
Why Choose Haptic EPC for Your BRUKL Modelling?
With our extensive experience and wealth of happy clients we think we'll be a pretty good fit for your BRUKL & SBEM needs - Contact us today to discuss your project's requirements.